Although I was in the end of my trip and my family was waiting for me to arrive in Greece in a three-week time, everything changed out of the blue and I decided to spend the winter in Armenia, in a village up in the Small Caucasus, as… I fell in love! So, I stayed with Andrea, an American volunteer I met there, for eight months, and I became a volunteer as well. My main occupation was teaching computers to the children of the village, but we both did everything to help the villagers in any way we could.
No need to say how close we came with the people of Lejan… We still keep in touch with many of them. Unfortunately, I was born and raised in a city, so there is no land in Greeece to call my village. Lejan holds this place in my heart…
I covered 4,563 km. (2,835 miles) in 228 days in Armenia.