ELPA aka Elephants Lions Pythons and Antilopes!!!
Every traveller planning to leave behind the “safety” of Europe and head for distant and mysterious lands by his own vehicle only needs to have his passport in his pocket… Not exactly, actually. Do you think it’s that simple to leave the loving hug of mother Europe? You will need a bunch of documents that will certify the identity, both yours and your vehicle’s: international driving licenses of two different types, as well as the notorious Carnet de Passage.
In Greece, the authority responsible for issuing all these documents is ELPA (known for its roadside assistance service). During the preparation of this journey of ours, many were the individuals who, with moving spontaneity and selflessness, offered to assist us providing us the necessary gear for our adventure. But finding the same interest and generosity in a judicial person, a company, with many activities, heavy responsibilities but also, as they intend to prove, sensitivity to visions like ours, was beyond our imagination!
Behold, the miracle has happened and the news came to us like a bolt from the blue. This taught us that stereotypes can fall apart… ELPA was more than willing to provide us all the necessary documents, standing by our side to help us hit the road without having any concerns in our mind! It was obvious once more that great people can make a great business, and when there is a will, there is always a way…
We are sincerely grateful to ELPA for assisting us with such a warmth! Thank you so much!!!